Alan Turing page having its font changed
Looking at my pages I have created I feel that my Alan Turing pages are overall the weakest. I feel that this is the case because they are lacking something on the page just to make them more enticing I think that all my pages looked rather dull in the rough stages but I've added slight changes in the final versions and the Captain James Cook and Noor Inayat Khan pages have really come into their own and have really had a positive effect with the changes I made. So with this thinking I thought I'd add some small illustrations (Computer and Chess pieces), much like I have done with the other two significant people but they really haven't made a difference to the effect of the other two pages but they certainly have made a noticeable difference making it more interesting to look at. Finally I struggled with when it came to finding info on Turing that was suitable and when I did find information it was difficult to understand so if I an adult finds it hard to understand how is a key stage one pupil suppose to understand it and condensing it down to a point where it was understandable was quite a challenge.
When I first started to piece together my Alan Turing pages I went with a basic arial font because I wasn't sure what to go with at the time. However after creating my other pages with the same font I thought it would help with the flow of the pages to go with the same font for all pages. The font I chose first was a bold harsh font preferably more fitting for titles in my opinion but instead I went with a clearer and 'lighter' font and the pages really benefited from this change as it was more easier on the eyes.
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