Task Two : "Art Styles & Audiences"
- Informative/Reference- aimed at 9-11 years
The art style for a nine to eleven year old I would choose a graphic novel art style as a younger reader has become more confident in reading and understanding the text over time, a more sophisticated and cutting edge graphic novel art style approach will cater greater to this age range. The informative/ reference genre I feel can be very intriguing but the imagery can let it down at times but if you have something like a graphic novel style I feel it can reinvigorate the genre and catch the readers attention.
- Picture book aimed at 3-6 years
The art style that I would associate with a picture book aimed at three to six year olds would either be collage or a painted approach. As I feel that these art styles are something that the child has a connection with maybe by painting in school for example. Furthermore with painting or collage approach for a picture book isn't 100 percent about the text but to coexist on the page and the wording to be at a minimum but the imagery being easy to understand so that the child will still know what’s going on in the book even if they can't read. (personified animals are a key I feel when it comes to picture books).
- Baby/Toddler- First object Book