Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Task Two :  "Art Styles & Audiences"

  • Informative/Reference- aimed at 9-11 years
The art style for a nine to eleven year old I would choose a graphic novel art style as a younger reader has become more confident in reading and understanding the text over time, a more sophisticated and cutting edge graphic novel art style approach will cater greater to this age range. The informative/ reference genre I feel can be very intriguing but the imagery can let it down at times but if you have something like a graphic novel style I feel it can reinvigorate the genre and catch the readers attention. 

  • Picture book aimed at 3-6 years
The art style that I would associate with a picture book aimed at three to six year olds would either be collage or a painted approach. As I feel that these art styles are something that the child has a connection with maybe by painting in school for example. Furthermore with painting or collage approach for a picture book isn't 100 percent about the text but to coexist on the page and the wording to be at a minimum but the imagery being easy to understand so that the child will still know what’s going on in the book even if they can't read. (personified animals are a key I feel when it comes to picture books).

  • Baby/Toddler- First object Book
Finally a toddlers book I feel something that is heavily vector/graphic based is key because you want the imagery to be bright and bold to engage the child or another option would be to use actual photographs of the object instead of drawn versions. However with the three to six approach you can compromise with picture and text but with a toddlers book I feel you need the image to be the main factor and the text to a minimal or not at all as the child probably hasn't spoken yet.

('The Witcher' written by Paul Tobin and illustrated by Joe Querio and published by Dark Horse Comics)

 Graphic Novel 9-11 year old
(Eric Carle - The artist who painted a blue horse)

 Picture book 3-6 year old

Toddlers first object book

Monday, 3 October 2016

Task One : Picture Book Documentary Illustrator Research

Brian Wildsmith Picture Book Illustrator

Brian Wildsmith stood out to me 

as one of the illustrators from the 
'Picture Book’ Documentary because of
his use of paint used in a certain manner to 
get a real textured aesthetic for example
for fur or feathers on a certain animal.

Furthermore another technique I admire from his 
work is how WIldsmith applied the paint first 
and then would go back into the image with a 
pen or ink to further enhance the image and to 
further add a layer of depth to the animal.

Also when looking at Wildsmith's work I get a 
real sense of nostalgia when looking at his work 
because it takes me back to when I was a child
would love to paint and print in the arts and crafts 
way you do in primary school. Finally I get the 
sense from Wildsmith's work that there is a real sense 
of DIY to get similar results to Wildsmith.

I feel that the age range of Brian Wildsmith's books are five to seven years of age due to the minimal use of words and the very engaging imagery to hook the viewer in.

Two well known books that Wildsmith is known for is “ABC” and “Birds”.

Brian Wildsmith books

Links to where to I found the images:

  • http://www.vintagechildrensbooksmykidloves.com/2007/09/brian-wildsmiths-birds.html (BIRDS)
  • http://www4.alibris-static.com/brian-wildsmiths-abc/isbn/9781887734028_l.jpg (ABC)